About Rieneke & Taco
Let us tell you something about ourselves. We are Taco and Rieneke, a married couple living in the Netherlands. We started this Blog/Website because we love to walk and explore new cities all over the world and we like to share our experiences with you. On our site you will find walking routes along the main attractions of a city. Besides this you will find some interesting touristic information and photographs to give you a clear impression of a city. Taco has a career as a music producer and guitarist. He is also a photographer and webdesigner for several companies. You can find his music at: http://www.jamtracksguitar.com Rieneke has through her work, as a freelance Human Resources Advisor, experience in marketing and writing professional text and articles. So we have decided to combine our talent and skills to set up this Blog/Website. We hope that you will enjoy our Blog/Website and will find the information you are looking for. We invite you to give your opinion through the contact page or in our guestbook so that we can optimize our site Thank you for your interest!
CityWalkSights.com City walks along main sights, maps and an informative travel blog
About Rieneke & Taco
Let us tell you something about ourselves. We are Taco and Rieneke, a married couple living in the Netherlands. We started this Blog/Website because we love to walk and explore new cities all over the world and we like to share our experiences with you. On our site you will find walking routes along the main attractions of a city. Besides this you will find some interesting touristic information and photographs to give you a clear impression of a city. Taco has a career as a music producer and guitarist. He is also a webdesigner for several companies. You can find his music at: http://www.jamtracksguitar.com Rieneke has through her work, as a freelance Human Resources Advisor, experience in marketing and writing professional text and articles. So we have decided to combine our talent and skills to set up this Blog/Website. We hope that you will enjoy our Blog/Website and will find on it the information you are looking for. We invite you to give your opinion through the contact page or in our guestbook so that we can optimize our site. Thank you for your interest!
CityWalkSights.com City walks along main sights, maps and an informative travel blog
Copyright 2016 CityWalkSights